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How To Say No To Alcohol This Christmas?

How to say no to alcohol this Christmas

The joy of alcohol is coming together with family and friends to catch up and have fun. However, it can also be a bit overwhelming at times.

The prospect of going on double dates, making new acquaintances, or even asking for help with various tasks can feel overwhelming for some people.

đŸ„ƒ Don’t Feel Pressured To Alcohol

The first thing you should do if you want to say no to alcohol this Christmas is not to feel any pressure to drink.


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Although it can be hard to not feel pressured to drink even if you want to say no, it is important to remember that you don’t have to drink if you don’t want to.

If you have a friend, family, or a group who constantly pressures you to drink, you should tell them that you don’t want to drink with them. Let them know that you like to enjoy yourself without being drunk.

Try Saying No Without Being Rude

This may be difficult if you have never done it before, but you should try to say no without being rude. When you are trying to say no without being rude, you should avoid using any words that associate drinking with happiness. 

If You Can’t Say No, Bring A Friend

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If you can’t say no to alcohol this Christmas because you feel a little pressure to drink, you can always bring a friend with you.

If you find yourself in a situation where you feel pressured to drink, you should let your friend know that you don’t want to drink with that person.

If you know someone who constantly pressures you to drink, you should let your friends know that you don’t want to drink with them.

😟 Don’t Be Afraid To Walk Away From A Bad Match

The last thing you should do when you want to say no to alcohol this Christmas is not afraid to walk away from a bad match.

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â–ȘIf someone is pressuring you to drink, you should let your friend know.

â–ȘIf someone keeps pressuring you to drink, you should let your friend know.

â–ȘIf you find yourself in a bad match where you are the only one who does not want to drink, you should walk away.

â–ȘIf you are in a situation where everyone is pressuring you to drink you walk away.

đŸŸ Alcohol Before Dinner Or Mix Your Own At Parties

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a party and wind up drinking too much. But you need to remember that alcohol is a temptation that should be avoided. 

If you’re trying to refrain from drinking, make sure to have a plan. Plan out when you’ll drink, and stick to that schedule. Don’t let yourself get too preoccupied with the party remember that you’re there to have fun, not to drink.

🎯 Conclusion

Although alcohol is important to many people, many struggle with drinking. If you are one of those people, you might find it difficult to say no to drinking.

However, by just thinking about it ahead of time, you can make it easier to stick to your decision. While you might be tempted to go along with your friends when they order a glass of wine with dinner, you should try to avoid this temptation.

People who drink too much often have a difficult time resisting the urge to drink again and again throughout the rest of the evening.