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Malegra DXT


Active Ingredient (Generic Name):

Sildenafil Citrate & Duloxetine


Sunrise Remedies Pvt Ltd


10 tablets in 1 strip


100mg + 30mg

Delivery Time:

6 To 15 days

SKU: Malegra DXT Categories: , Tag:
20%OFFUse Code: GM20
Pack Size Price Quantity Add To Cart
90 tablet/s $ 90 (1.00 / Unit) Add To Cart
120 Tablet/s $ 118 (0.98 / Unit) Add To Cart
150 tablet/s $ 144 (0.96 / Unit) Add To Cart
300 Tablet/s $ 273 (0.91 / Unit) Add To Cart

What is Malegra DXT?

Malegra DXT pills provide a combination of effects and are for men to provide a cure for not just one but two different sexual disorders. Yes, using this pill can provide you remedies even temporarily for two different sexual disorders.

The two sexual disorders in men that Malegra DXT pills can completely remove include ED which is erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. As you can understand that the potential base of men using the pills needs to have both disorders present in them.

Although Malegra DXT is not approved by the apex drug governing body in the USA that is the FDA it is sold around the world as a generic variant. Both of its generic ingredients Sildenafil and Duloxetine are approved by the FDA though.

What Is Malegra DXT used for?

As we told you above Malegra DXT pills can help in curing not one but two diseases at once. Using this single pill will allow you to get some time relief from both disorders. This time is limited by the time of action and the presence of the generic substances in your body and is for a maximum of 6 hours lasting.

ED is a penis relating disorder in men that dampens men to have a strong and hard erection. Along with this, there is premature ejaculation or PE that causes men to ejaculate too early leavening them unsatisfied.


Sunrise Remedies is one of the most highly valuable and reputable institutions when it comes to drug manufacturing and advanced API research.

The company has a wide product portfolio of pills that is currently under the manufacturing and marketing duties of the company. Manufacturing the pills, the company also owns the rights to use the trade name for the medicines.


Not one but two composite substances form the core of the Malegra DXT UK pills. Malegra DXT composition, well, you can always find that out on the pill back cover or else ask your doctors.

Sildenafil the generic PDE-5 hormone inhibiting and vasodilation stimulating ingredient is the one to help patients relieve from ED. And on the other hand, you also have Duloxetine which is this serotonin and norepinephrine hormone reuptake inhibiting agent to cause men to hold on to their ejaculation longer.

How to take Malegra DXT

Malegra DXT intake requires oral swallowing of the pill. This means that it is suitable for you to swallow the pills but do so without chewing or crushing the pills with your teeth.

Malegra DXT needs intake just before 30 minutes to an hour before sex but not before that since this may cause the effects of the medicine to lapse by the time you are on the bed with your partner.

Working on Malegra DXT

  • Malegra DXT has two ingredients that go about their way in providing the respective curing abilities. Sildenafil’s ability to enable an erection occurs due to the inhibition of the PDE-5 hormones and the rise in the vasodilation tendencies in the penis arteries that occurs due to the secretion of nitric oxide. This gust of flow of blood into the penis tissues continually causes enhancing the sensitivity levels and soon an erection is possible due to stimulation.
  • The effects of generic Duloxetine cause the norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake process in the brain to get inhibited. And due to this eventually, it becomes possible for men to ejaculate but after some delay.

Malegra DXT dosage

The total dose of a single drug is 160mg. But since you know that there are two generic ingredients present in the drug this total Malegra DXT dosage is split into a 100mg dose of Sildenafil and a 60mg dose of Duloxetine.

Malegra DXT dosage is safe to be taken only once per day. Remember that although you can have pill intake daily or only on a few days when you wish to have sex ideally you should ask the doctor which dosage routine can fit in perfectly and suit your body the most.

You also need not take the dose continuing for a very long time if taking it daily. Such recommendations will generally be given by your doctor as you will be under their vigilance and overwatch during your treatment term.


Malegra DXT overdose may cause patients to experience various side effects. Do not continue if you are experiencing any severe side effects.

Miss dose

Generally, not all patients may be prescribed to take a daily pill. Hence missed doses are not a that big problem. But do not double your next dosage if you have missed your dose. This may cause a spike in the levels of Sildenafil and Duloxetine to much higher levels than what your body can suit.

When should you avoid taking Malegra DXT

It is not that Malegra DXT dosage is fit for all persons. Sometimes crucial problems are emerging that may need you to avoid using the pills. the reasons for not taking the pills entirely includes you not falling into the right age category which is between 18 to 64 years or else if you are generally allergic to any one or both the generic ingredients found in the medicine.

Along with this doctors may strictly recommend avoiding the dose if the patient is having severe side effects after the first few doses of the medicine.

Malegra DXT Side Effects

  • Malegra DXT side effects generally have a chance of occurring in patients due to an overdose of either or both of the generic substances. Along with this one more reason for this could be the allergic tendencies to either of the generic substances that had gone unnoticed during the diagnosis.
  • Side effects may occur particularly of a mild nature and these include headache, dizziness, diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, palpitations, and dry mouth.
  • Severe side effects include chest pain, breathing difficulty, hazy vision, temporary loss of hearing sensations and so on that may cause you to stop further doses rather than speak with the doctor.

Malegra DXT reviews

The Malegra DXT reviews should be able to enhance your idea on how to use the pills for effectiveness. Mostly patients from different parts of the world such as the UK have provided good ratings for the pills. This just goes to show that it is a highly effective pill in producing the effects. This pill mostly meets up to the satisfaction levels of all patients.


Malegra DXT is a pill to help relieve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.


How long does a dose of Malegra DXT remain active?

It is active for around 5 to 6 hours depending on the dosage.

Is there any FDA-approved brand for generic Malegra DXT?

No such combo pill is still not approved by the FDA. Although if you wish to go for only FDA-approved pills we will recommend you to choose Viagra which is a generic Sildenafil approved whereas you can choose Cymbalta which is a trading name for FDA-approved Duloxetine.

What are some precautions that you must follow with a dose of any Sildenafil brand?

General guidelines for patient precautions include avoiding an overdose, avoiding a miss out on your dose avoiding the intake of contraindicating general substances such as grape juice and alcohol and even any medication that may trigger side effects.

How to order?

To order online you can check out numerous offers on multiple websites, but one online website is the unchallenging dominating player here. And that GenericMedz does not just offer the best discounts but also offers a guarantee of a discount on each billing.


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